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    Computer Art is a solution to all IT courses

    Computer Art Training Classes was established on 4 January 1996. This is the oldest and trusted Computer Coaching Center of Mansarovar. After its establishment, due to its work till date it has made a record of being in the top position in Mansarovar Jaipur. Computer Art is the only training institute whose education system is spread all over Mansarovar Jaipur.

    Popular Job Oriented Courses

    Best Coaching Institutes

    Digital Marketing

    SEO, SMO, Google Ads, Website & Graphic Des. Keyword Research
    Excel Classes

    Advance Excel

    Excel basics, VBA macro, Data analysis, Pivot charts & more
    Graphic Designing course

    Graphic Designing

    DTP, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator, &. More
    Best Computer Training Insitute In Jaipur


    GST Return, Payroll, Bank Reconciliation,
    Job Costing, TDS, TCS
    Top Computer Institute In Jaipur

    Web Design

    UI & UX, HTML, HTML 5, CSS, Bootstrap, JS & MORE
    Programing Language

    Programming Languages

    C, C++, Core Java, Advanced Java, PHP, .Net, Python & More
    Top Computer Coaching Institute

    Soft Skills

    Spoken English, Interview Skills, Personality Development & More
    It coaching Center

    Professional Courses

    Computer Basics, RS-CIT, ACC, CCC, O' Level, MS Office & MORE

    Crack Your Dream Job

    Old Institute for Digital Marketing Training Course in Mansarovar

    Computer Art has brought for you the best computer course called Digital Marketing to make your better future in the internet world.

    In Digital Marketing Course you will be taught Canva, Graphic Designing, Word Press, Website Designing, Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Optimization, On Page SEO, Off Page SEO, Technical SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google AdSense and more.

    This course has been designed in such a way that any person, children, old people, men, women, boys, girls, can learn it easily.

    So contact us today and join your favorite course.:- 9351553458, 8302811181

    Computer Coaching Institutes

    Parshad Mukesh Lakhyani Encouraged Computer Art Student's to Learn Computer

    Tools, Paid Internship
    Tools, Paid Internship
    Live Projects

    Live Projects

    Theory doesn’t help anyone in professional life, Professional Courses are better learnt by experimenting.
    Global Certificates

    Global Certificates

    Certifications like Microsft, Google, HP, Cisco, EC-Council make a huge difference in placements.
    Advanced Contents

    Advanced Contents

    Contents are based upon the latest trends in IT industry and as per the recommendations of IT Guys.

    Teachers Testimonials
